Call for Sites in Buckinghamshire
Local Plan for Buckinghamshire: Call for Sites
The Local Plan for Buckinghamshire (LP4B) will allocate sites for development in the period up to 2045 to meet the housing, economic development need and other needs of Buckinghamshire.
We're committed to our 'Brown Before Green' pledge and want to ensure new developments are sustainable and make the best use of available land.
We have previously undertaken 3 call for sites engagement exercises however since then new national policy has been introduced which changes the way we calculate our housing needs for Buckinghamshire. Our new local housing need figure has increased significantly under the government’s revised standard methodology (December 2024) from 2,912 to 4,319 homes per year. Because of this, the Local Plan will be expected to provide sites for approximately 91,000 new homes for the period until 2045, an increase of overall of about 30,000 homes competed with the previous government’s housing figure for the county. This means that we will need to consider all available site options if we are to accommodate this level of housing growth. This call for sites engagement exercise offers another opportunity for submitting new sites so that we can consider all possible sites.
Guidelines for submission
- Please complete a separate form for each site.
- Please only complete forms for sites that can accommodate 5 or more new dwellings, or for economic development on sites of at least 0.25 hectares (or for 500 square metres of floor space). There is no threshold for land that has potential for Gypsy and Traveller accommodation or Travelling Showpeople plots.
- Please include as much information as possible including your connection to the site; you must also provide a location map that clearly identifies the site boundary and any adjacent land also under your control/ownership. Sites can be put forward by anyone or any organisation, although typically they are promoted by landowners, developers, agents, local businesses, individuals and groups.
- Please do not send in details of sites beyond the Buckinghamshire boundary.
- Sites submitted in response to previous calls for sites do not need to be resubmitted. If you wish to send us updated information on sites previously submitted, please contact us using the email address below.
Site Submission Submit a site
Please note that any information you submit will be made publicly available by Buckinghamshire Council and will be identifiable by name or organisation, although the Council will redact any signatures and contact details. (Buckinghamshire Council is the data controller for the purposes of the Data Protection Act 2018 and the General Data Protection Regulations). Please see attached our privacy notice.
If you are in doubt about whether to submit a site or if you have any other queries, please contact the Planning Policy Team by emailing
Please read the following disclaimer:
- The information collected in this form will be used by Buckinghamshire Council to inform its Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (HELAA) as part of the preparation of the Local Plan for Buckinghamshire. By responding you are accepting that all the information within it will be made available to the public.
- The identification of sites, buildings or areas within any HELAA does not mean that the Council would grant planning permission for development. All planning applications, including those for residential development will be determined in accordance with the development plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise.
- The inclusion of sites within any HELAA does not preclude use or development for other purposes.
- Any boundaries shown are based on information available at the time of the preparation of the survey. They do not represent an absolute area for any future proposals.
- The exclusion of sites from any HELAA does not preclude their development via a planning application.
- Any HELAA will represent an estimate of when sites may come forward for development. It does not mean that applications which come forward at different times will be refused on that basis.
- Any HELAA will use the information available at the time of the study. The Council does not accept liability for any omissions or factual inaccuracies that may be contained within any HELAA. Applicants for planning permission are advised to carry out their own assessments and analysis of any site and not rely on the information within any HELAA.
- Where the site capacity identified in the HELAA is based on the surrounding neighbourhood density, this should not be taken as the level of housing which would be most appropriate for that site. The density of any planning application for housing will be assessed through the normal planning process and any figure provided in a HELAA will not represent an over-riding justification for any particular density.
- The Council intends any HELAA to be a living document which is subject to review. Therefore, published information may be out-of-date. Further editions of the HELAA may be published and site suitability may be revised.