Call for Sites in Buckinghamshire

[estimated] Ends on 30 June 2025 (127 days remaining)

Call for Sites in Buckinghamshire

The new Local Plan for Buckinghamshire (LP4B) will allocate sites for development in the period up to 2040 to meet the housing and economic development needs of Buckinghamshire.

As such, we are looking for sites to technically assess for their suitability, availability and achievability (including viability). Further information is available in government guidance about Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessments (HELAA).

If you would like to submit a site, please follow the guidance below.

Guidelines for submission

  • Please complete a separate submission form for each site
  • Please include as much information as you can about the site, including your connection to the site - you must also either provide a location map that clearly identifies the site boundary and adjacent land also under your control/ownership or use the web map within this form to identify your land using the drawing tool
  • Sites can be put forward by any individual or organisation
  • Please do not send in details of sites outside of the Buckinghamshire Council boundary
  • There is no need to re-submit a site if it has already been submitted in the previous 'call for site'
  • To use this online form you will need to set up an account. This option will be given to you below

Site Submission

Please click on the blue icon to the left to open the Call for Sites form


Please be aware that any information you submit will be made publicly available by Buckinghamshire Council and will be identifiable by name or organisation, although the Council will redact any signatures and contact details. (Buckinghamshire Council is the data controller for the purposes of the Data Protection Act 2018 and the General Data Protection Regulations). Please read the privacy notice on our website or request a printed version from us.

Site queries

If you are in doubt about whether to submit a site or have any other queries, please email the Planning Policy Team on or write to us at Planning Policy Team, Call for sites, Buckinghamshire Council, Queen Victoria Road, High Wycombe, HP11 1BB.

Please read the following disclaimer:

  1. The information collected in this form will be used by Buckinghamshire Council to inform its Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (HELAA), Brownfield Land Register and other relevant evidence base studies as part of the preparation of the Buckinghamshire Local Plan. By responding you are accepting that all the information within it will be made available to the public.
  2. The identification of sites, buildings or areas within any HELAA does not mean that the Council would grant planning permission for development. All planning applications, including those for residential development will be determined in accordance with the development plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise.
  3. The inclusion of sites within any HELAA does not preclude use or development for other purposes.
  4. Any boundaries shown are based on information available at the time of the preparation of the survey. They do not represent an absolute area for any future proposals.
  5. The exclusion of sites from any HELAA does not preclude their development via a planning application.
  6. Any HELAA will represent an estimate of when sites may come forward for development. It does not mean that applications which come forward at different times will be refused on that basis.
  7. Any HELAA will use the information available at the time of the study. The Council does not accept liability for any omissions or factual inaccuracies that may be contained within any HELAA. Applicants for planning permission are advised to carry out their own assessments and analysis of any site and not rely on the information within any HELAA.
  8. The estimated housing potential and employment floorspace are indicative and provides a useful starting point. The potential of any planning application will be assessed through the normal planning process and any HELAA will not represent an over-riding justification for any housing capacity.
  9. The Council intends any HELAA to be a living document which is subject to review. Therefore, published information may be out-of-date. Further editions of the HELAA may be published and site suitability may be revised.
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