Draft Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment Methodology (June 2022)

[estimated] Ended on the 11 September 2022
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1.1 The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and national Planning Practice Guidance (PPG) require local planning authorities to assess the amount of land that is available for housing and economic development in their areas. This is known as the Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (HELAA). The HELAA is a technical study that determines the suitability, availability and achievability of land for development. It is an important evidence source to inform plan-making, but does not in itself represent policy nor does it determine whether a site should be allocated for future development or whether planning permission should be granted. Land allocations can only be made through Local Plans or Neighbourhood Plans.

1.2 A new Buckinghamshire-wide Local Plan is currently being prepared, which will cover the whole of the Buckinghamshire Council area, for the period up to 2040. This paper sets out a proposed draft methodology for undertaking the Buckinghamshire HELAA.


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