Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) for the Shenley Park SPD

Ended on the 11 October 2023

Part 2: What are the SEA findings at this stage?

8. Introduction (to Part 2)

8.1 The aim here is to present an assessment of the Draft SPD as a whole. In practice the assessment here builds upon the assessment of Option 1 above.

Assessment methodology

8.2 Under each of the SEA framework headings (see Table 3.1) the assessment identifies and evaluates 'likely significant effects' on the baseline, mindful of established objectives. Every effort is made to predict effects accurately; however, this is inherently challenging given the strategic nature of the SPD. Finally, it is important to note that effects are predicted taking account Schedule 1 of the SEA Regulations. As part of this consideration is given to cumulative effects, i.e. effects in combination with other plans, programmes and projects.

Figure 8.1: The preferred concept masterplan (or 'framework plan')

Figure 8.1

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