RAF Halton SPD

Ended on the 4 March 2024

2. Vision & Objectives


In 2033, "Halton Woods" is a new residential community that is distinctive in character but an integral part of Halton Parish. Halton Woods is designed around its landscape and set against the wooded backdrop of the Chilterns AONB. The area's RAF and Rothschild heritage is evident in its attractive,innovativeandinclusiveneighbourhoods.Anetworkofpeople-friendlystreets,footpaths and cycleways make it easy to walk and cycle to Halton Village, Wendover and Aylesbury and to enjoy the surrounding countryside. An accessible local centre provides a focal point for the Parish with a school, sports hub and allotments supporting the health and wellbeing of Halton's diverse population

Development Objectives

  • A community within a unique wooded landscape and natural setting
  • The distinctive landscape of Halton Woods and its surroundings will strongly inform the design, look and feel of the new neighbourhoods. The community will benefit from long distance views across the Vale of Aylesbury and to Wendover Woods. Tree lined avenues, green corridors, sports, play, and woodland and grassland habitats will create a mature, leafy character with a sense of openness. The site's ecological assets and biodiversity will be retained and enhanced, including through new connections to the wider green infrastructure network.
  • A distinctive place which reflects its RAF and Rothschild heritage
  • Halton Wood's history as an estate parkland and military base will be evident in the design of the new neighbourhoods. Heritage assets will be retained and repurposed, including a new parade ground park. A heritage trail will encourage wider interest in Halton's history.
  • An integral part of Halton Parish and the location of its local centre
  • The design of Halton Woods will reflect its history within Halton Parish. A new local centre, school and retained sports facilities are to be located centrally to the Parish to serve new and existing residents and encourage community cohesion.
  • A connected and accessible place which encourages walking and cycling
  • Halton Woods will be designed to encourage walking and cycling, reducing the need to travel by car. A network of attractive streets, footpaths and cycleways will connect the site with the surrounding area. Traffic calming of Upper Icknield Way and Chestnut Avenue will create people-friendly streets, which are safe and easy to cross.

  • A place which supports the health and well being of the Parish residents
  • 50% of the site is to become publicly accessible green space, designed to encourage active lifestyles including sports, walking and cycling, food growing and engagement with nature. The Nuffield Pavilion and St Georges Church will become flexible community space supporting local groups, while the local centre could provide space for health and wellbeing providers.
  • Bespoke, high quality and environmentally responsible design
  • The high-quality setting and heritage of Halton Woods requires an exceptional design response. Bespoke, sustainable architecture and landscape architecture will deliver beautiful places to live which support Buckinghamshire's commitment to addressing the climate emergency and increasing the development's resilience to climate change, for example by retaining and retrofitting existing buildings; designing-in rainwater capture and re-use, natural shade and energy generation.

 A community within a unique wooded landscape setting. A distinctive place which reflects its RAF and Rothschild heritage. An integral part of Halton Parish and the location of its local centre. A connected and accessible place which prioritises walking and cycling. A place which supports the health and wellbeing of the Parish residents. Bespoke, high quality and environmentally responsible design.

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