RAF Halton SPD

Ended on the 4 March 2024

7. Summary of Key Constraints and Opportunities

Drawn from the baseline analysis and contextual analysis, draw out the key constraints, issues and opportunities for the site – cross reference to plans used in Site Context section above.Evidence Base

Technical Constraints/Issues


Key assumptions/latest position/gaps

Historic Environment

· Listed buildings, Registered Park and Garden and Scheduled Monument to be retained. Consideration needed as to the setting of these assets and any requirements for a buffer zone to the SM.

· Bucks Council site survey to be undertaken to identify other non- designated heritage assets and structures of historic interest, which it may be necessary to retain.

· The County Museum Resource Centre, which is principally a storage facility, is reportedly in a poor state of repair and lacks space to grow to accommodate anticipated finds arising from the HS2 works. Buckinghamshire Council is reviewing options around location of the facility and future use of the site.

· Consideration is needed as to how Groves and Henderson Barracks and its large parade ground can successful evolve into an attractive residential while retaining its essential character here is an opportunity for the site's military and earlier estate history and pre-history to be referenced in the design of the development, its landscape and public realm, place naming and provision of interpretation material/heritage trails.

· In light of HE comments, there is an opportunity to improve the setting of the Halton House by removing modern buildings in the sergeant's Mess area and not replacing them (potentially increased densities elsewhere subject to Green Belt considerations). HE would be content with the replacement the other buildings in this area with something occupying roughly the same height and footprint.

· Views from Vale towards Halton House have the potential to be affected by development of the site and taller building heights. Halton House should retain primacy in the view.

· Setting of the SAM to be considered and impact on the site with any demolition and building works.


· The site is located in the green belt and on the edge of the Chilterns Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB). The Area of Attractive Landscape covers the land around Halton House and up to Chestnut Avenue, while land south and east of Icknield Way sits within a Local Landscape Area.

· The site lies within two national character areas, Upper Thames Clay Vales and The Chilterns.

· Design interventions should consider making provision for Green Infrastructure (GI) and biodiversity net gain with development. There are opportunities to utilise the existing green infrastructure throughout the site for biodiversity enhancements.

· Several large areas with hardstanding could be assessed for reuse as public open space and will require producing design principles.

· Existing playing fields within the Station Workshop area could be retained for future use by existing and new residents or as school grounds.

· There are opportunities for development to link with the network of footpaths and woodlands surrounding the site.

· considering the site's sensitivity, it would be important to produce a landscape framework with landscape principles and objectives addressing the different features across the site and the qualities of the landscape and its characteristics. This assessment should be considered through the planning application stage.

· Details of Bucks requirements for ANGST, formal open space provision, and play space as part of the green infrastructure of the site, which are to be reflected in the SPD guidance and masterplanning.

Biodiversity and GI

· Ecological survey information required for the whole site so that the effect of development on the natural environment (including protected species) can be properly assessed (ie including any areas not covered to date that might be affected by development, including infrastructure). This should be presented as an Ecological Impact Assessment.

· Chiltern Beechwoods mitigation and consideration of SANG on site to be discussed. Meetings to be arranged with Natural England and Chilterns Conservation Board.

· Baseline survey work to be completed to understand the distribution of habitats and protected species in parallel to any design work. Aspects to be covered: bats survey, biological offsetting

· Details of any required habitat buffer zones to designated landscapes, to be advised by Bucks / NE.

· Further details of requirements for BNG that are to be included in the SPD guidance.

Flood Risk, Hydrology and Drainage

· A high-level, site wide drainage and flood risk assessment is needed to better inform the constraints on the site.

· Guidance from local flood officer on the likely requirements for SuDS infrastructure. Request for any drainage strategy reports prepared by the DIO.

· Any SuDS scheme would benefit from a multidisciplinary approach which looks at opportunities to integrate SuDS into the landscape and assist with BNG. This will assist with creating blue-green corridors through the development

· Further study may be needed regarding ground water flood risk.

· The masterplan should ensure that infiltration is used where possible as a means of surface water disposal, all infiltration measures will have some form of attenuation. Therefore, multifunctional SuDS should be promoted throughout the development regardless of the ultimate surface water disposal method.

Landscape Sensitivity

· Establish a clearer understanding of if/how the existing landscape structure can help accommodate development. Establish whether further evidence/assessment is required to support the SPD in regard to any landscape character assessment?


· Bucks highways to confirm requirements for transport modelling for SPD and future planning application(s).

· Travel survey has been undertaken of all site users to help determine current travel patterns and form a baseline from which development impact can be measured (and to inform travel chapter in the SPD) - results to be accessed?

· Bucks to provide details of required EV charging provision

· Bucks to provide position on level and arrangement of car parking - suggested car park for local centre and school. Is it needed? Potential for reduced or innovative parking solutions at listed barracks. Clarity on what options have been assessed and requirements for roundabout.

Utilities constraints

· The masterplan needs to address the spatial implications of key infrastructure.

· Utilities ' request for information made to DIO. Existing utilities lines may present a constraint to development (may be confidential). Future utilities infrastructure to meet predicated capacity should ideally be identified in the SPD.

· Unexploded ordinance/contamination ' request should be made to DIO for details (may be confidential).

Other land use planning assumptions

Community facilities and Services (education, health, emergency, etc.)

· The Local Plan sets out the requirement for a new primary school and local centre. The master planning/SPD progresses will seek to establish where these facilities should be located and if any additional facilities are required.

· Consideration of the position of the local centre, should this be within the centre of the site/adjoining the school site? Or should be located closer to existing Halton village and sports facilities?

· Halton Parish have identified a deficit in green infrastructure.

·  Initial indication from education team that school site should be located adjoining existing RAF Halton school to enable expansion of school site and facilities. However, the site is not considered large enough to accommodate the additional 2FE capacity required to accommodate scheme.

· Confirmation of health requirements on site? Previous discussions talked about Hampden Fields being location of combined health facility. Need for further discussion with ICB.


·  Consideration of employment opportunities on site, co-working space? Consideration of workshops and history of the site and opportunities for start up units or similar on the site? Reuse of existing buildings?

Housing mix (to inform densities)

· Policy H6a within the VALP sets out a requirement for a mix of housing on site: Market housing split between 4% 1 bed flats, 4% 2 bed flats, 13% 2 bed houses, 52% 3 bed houses, 21% 4 bed houses, and 6.5% 5+ houses. Affordable housing: 9% 1 bed flats, 6% 2 bed flats, 36% 2 bed housing, 39% 3 bed housing and 10% 4 bed housing.

· Need for consideration of implication of barrack blocks and their conversion and impact this has on the mix of housing across the site Assumption that pepper potting of affordable housing throughout the site is preferential. Consideration of accessible homes, 15% of affordable homes to meet M4(3) wheelchair accessible housing standards.

Other Major Influences

Climate change and net zero carbon

· Site wide energy strategy, including the potential for district heating and/or to utilise opportunities for solar gain and PV generation, which would have specific implications for land use (particularly if a freestanding PV array is required), street alignment, and block/building design.

Health and well-being

· Confirmation of health requirements on site? Previous discussions talked about Hampden Fields being location of combined health facility. Need for further discussion with ICB.

· Embed placemaking approach to health and well-being into masterplan using guidance from Building for a Healthy Life, Sport England's Active design principles and putting Health into lace.

· Consideration should be given to carrying out a Health Impact Assessment of the development alongside the application using public Health England's October 2020 guidance on HealthImpact Assessment in spatial planning.


· A site wide viability assessment should be provided in order to inform overall deliverability, funding and phasing of development/infrastructure.

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