Aylesbury Vale Area Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document
3. Which developments should provide Affordable Housing?
9. Policy H1 of VALP sets out the site size thresholds for affordable housing of sites of 11 or more dwellings (gross) or 0.3 hectares or larger.
10. As per Policy H1 (d) Planning applications will be checked to ensure that sites have not been sub-divided to take them below the thresholds. This is to ensure that applicants and sites provide the appropriate level of affordable housing contribution or affordable housing units on sites that are suitable.
11. The purpose of the following examples is to demonstrate how this works in practice:
It is proposed that a new access road is built for the development of 8 new dwellings. A subsequent permission is submitted to use the same access road for an additional 4 dwellings.
Whilst neither of the developments triggers the affordable housing requirement individually, the two sites together, regardless of ownership, form part of a larger developable area. Taken as a whole, both sites would therefore be expected to provide a proportion of the affordable housing on a pro rata basis i.e., a minimum of 25% x 8 units and a minimum of 25% x 4 dwellings. i.e., at least 3 affordable units in total, although the council may seek more than 25%