Aylesbury Vale Area Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document

Ended on the 2 November 2022

4. How much affordable housing will be sought?

12. The council will require a minimum of 25% of the total number of units on the site to be provided as affordable housing. There may also be circumstances, such as in Neighbourhood Plans, where a different affordable housing requirement applies. The VALP Inspector's Report (August 2021) noted at para 271: "As noted elsewhere in this report, VALP does not explicitly say that it supersedes any Neighbourhood Plan policy and so they exist side by side. VALP policy H1 requires a minimum of 25% affordable homes on site and so Neighbourhood plan policies which require more than that minimum are not inconsistent with it."

13. Where the affordable housing policy would result in a requirement of 0.5 or more of an affordable home should be provided, the calculation will be rounded upwards and where it is less than 0.5 of an affordable home a financial contribution of equivalent value may be sought. (Policy H1f)

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