Aylesbury Vale Area Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document
12. Housing for Older People
72. The guidance on housing tenure and dwelling size mix will help to ensure that the housing needs of a range of different households, in terms of size and income, can be met. There are however certain other identified groups who have specific housing needs, notably specialist housing for older people. Table 14 of VALP identifies that this can be Class C2 or C3 depending on the specifics of the type of accommodation.
73. Affordable Housing requirements apply to houses and flats within Class C3, and serviced flats and other accommodation (what-ever use class), which may provide communal facilities, but which provide all the facilities of a single dwelling in self-contained units. VALP Table14 sets out forms of accommodation that can be Class C3 or C2 depending on the amount of care provided in hours and type of service, level of self-containment.
74. On appropriate sites providing communal facilities, the council will therefore seek either on site affordable housing provision to meet the specific needs of these groups or when this isn't considered suitable, a commuted sum.