Aylesbury Vale Area Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document

Ended on the 2 November 2022

10. Design of the affordable housing

65. Developers are expected to reflect the council's design policy in the VALP (BE2) and other guidance as appropriate such as the emerging Aylesbury Vale Design SPD and the National Design Guide by the former MHCLG (2021) see paras 115-118. To ensure the creation of mixed and integrated communities the affordable housing should be of equivalent quality to the market housing on the site and not be visually distinguishable from the market housing in terms of materials, details, levels of internal and amenity space, parking provision and privacy. This will ensure developments created are 'tenure blind'.

66. As a matter of principle, the design standards for both market and affordable housing should be high, both in terms of the visual appearance of the development and also the standards of accommodation and built quality, including measures to deliver buildings that help to respond to the challenge of climate change, such as energy efficiency and resource consumption. Developers should avoid designs that result in high maintenance or service charges. The Design and Access Statement accompanying a planning application should set out clearly the design approach to the affordable housing element of the scheme.

67. The accessibility standards for affordable dwellings are set out in the VALP Policy H6c. All development will be required to meet at least category 2 accessible and adaptable dwellings standards (or the nearest equivalent in any future modification of the Building Regulations). A minimum of 15% of affordable dwellings will be required to category M4 (3) wheelchair accessible housing subject to policy criteria. M4(3) dwellings should have their own direct ground floor access and be offered for affordable rent unless otherwise agreed.

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