Aylesbury Vale Area Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document
11. What dwelling size and mix is being sought?
68. Policy H1 and H6a of the Vale of Aylesbury Local Plan is clear that therequired affordable housing mix and tenure shall be provided in accordance with current evidence. In the case of housing mix, this evidence will include available evidence of developers on local market conditions and the mix shall be in general conformity with the council's evidence which currently is the Buckinghamshire HEDNA December 2016 which will be updated periodically. The mix and tenure will also have regard to any neighbourhood plan evidence for a made neighbourhood plan.
69. The supporting text to Policy H1 sets out that the current mix that will be sought and is set out in the table below (see Figure 123 of the Buckinghamshire HEDNA, December 2016). Delivering this mix is integral to meeting identified affordable housing needs in the Aylesbury Vale area. A breakdown of the different property types and sizes required for each tenue is shown below:
Dwelling Size and Mix
Affordable Rent |
Type |
Dwelling Size |
Required proportion |
Flat |
1 bedroom / 2 person |
9% |
Flat |
2+ bedroom /4+ person |
6% |
House |
2 bedroom / 4 person |
36% |
House |
3 bedroom – 5 & 6 person |
38% |
House |
4+ bedroom / 6, 7 & 8 person |
11% |
Intermediate |
Type |
Dwelling Size |
Required proportion |
Flat |
1 bedroom / 2 person |
4% |
Flat |
2+ bedroom /4+ person |
7% |
House |
2 bedroom / 4 person |
40% |
House |
3 bedroom / 5 & 6 person |
46% |
House |
4+ bedroom / 6, 7 & 8 person |
3% |
70. To ensure that bedrooms are adequately sized for optimum occupation of the affordable housing we have included the person numbers required.
71. There will be some flexibility on mix to allow for scheme specific design and delivery whilst ensuring the most critical housing needs are prioritised.