Aylesbury Vale Area Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document
Ended on the 2 November 2022
7. Phasing and management
50. The timing of affordable housing provision will be controlled through the Section 106 Agreement. The council normally expects the early delivery of affordable housing on a site. Developers will be expected to:
- Not commence the development until the affordable housing scheme has been submitted and approved in writing by the local planning authority.
- Not occupy more than a specific percentage of the market units, depending on the size and layout of the development, until the affordable housing units have been completed and transferred to a registered provider of social housing. For larger developments coming forward in development phases and using a phased approach to completion of affordable units please see para 53 below.
51. Where there are issues of viability in relation to the development, the council may be more flexible regarding the timing of the transfer of the affordable housing units or land and their subsequent occupation.
52. Agreements for developments that are built in phases, or that are of a substantial size, circa 250 dwellings or more, will incorporate provisions for phased completion of the affordable housing
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