Aylesbury Vale Area Design Supplementary Planning Document

Ended on the 2 November 2022
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Introduction: Purpose of the Design SPD

image of circular building, Aylesbury theatre

The aim of the Design SPD is to ensure that new development across Aylesbury Vale is of the highest quality and that it responds appropriately to its context and is inclusive and sustainable. The Design SPD sets out clear principles and objectives that aim to inspire developers and designers and assist landowners, developers, applicants and planners in the process of delivering high quality and well designed development.

Over the Plan period the area will see significant growth and new development should be of a quality that contributes to the success of settlements, to a strong local economy and benefits existing residents, visitors and future generations. The Design SPD highlights the importance of a robust design process and careful consideration of context to create sustainable, successful, well-used places.

A key aim of this Design SPD is to help deliver a low carbon and climate resilient future for the area through well-designed sustainable buildings and high-quality local environments suitable for low-carbon living while respecting the heritage, character and ecology of the plan area.

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