Shenley Park SPD
Part Two: Policy Context, Site Requirements and Engagement
2.1 Local Plan Policy and Site Requirements
Section 38 (6) of the Town and Country Planning Act requires determination of applications to be made in accordance with the development plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise. For the purposes of decision making and for the purposes of the SPD, the Vale of Aylesbury Local Plan (VALP) adopted by BC in September 2021, is the key Development Plan document. The VALP includes site allocations to deliver growth across the Aylesbury Vale Area of Buckinghamshire (the former Aylesbury Vale District Council administrative area).
There are a number of VALP policies relevant to the SPD and the consideration of proposals on the site and these are explained within the Baseline Report.
Site specific policy D-WHA001 allocates Shenley Park, Whaddon in North East Aylesbury Vale and the Baseline Report at Section 4 offers a commentary on how the policy criteria are built into this SPD guidance and Framework Plan. The policy criteria and a summary of how the proposals comply is included at Annex 1 Policy Compliance Checklist.
In addition and relevant to the proposals; the Aylesbury Vale Area Design SPD sets out clear principles and objectives to deliver high quality and well-designed development and where appropriate, this SPD will cross reference to the principles of the Design SPD. Other relevant SPDs are listed in the Baseline Report.
The Site's position on the edge of Milton Keynes but outside the City boundary, means regard is also to be add to relevant policies within Plan:MK 2016-2031 which was adopted March 2019. This includes 17 strategic objectives which include to work jointly with neighbouring authorities and other key organisations on the planning of any development located on the edge of Milton Keynes (but outside the City boundary) so that these areas are integrated with the city and contribute to its role and character.
Policy SD15; 'Place-Making Principles for Sustainable Urban Extensions in Adjacent Local Authorities' is relevant and is set out within the Baseline Report. Connections and movement and access into the City of Milton Keynes is a key consideration and regard is also to be had to the policies on this topic which are also referenced within the Baseline Report.
2.2 Engagement
From the outset, both the Council and its consultant team have been committed to developing the SPD with full engagement from local partners and stakeholders which has fed into the background analysis and translation of Policy WHA001 criteria and into the SPD Framework Plan and this document. This engagement has been at regular intervals and has included contact with Parish Councils, Milton Keynes City Council and Ward members, enabling feedback to effectively inform the production of the SPD.
A summary of the engagement undertaken to inform the preparation of the SPD is set out within Section 5 of the Baseline Report.
As part of the adoption process of the SPD, a 6 week formal consultation is to be carried out (anticipated Aug/September 2023). This will provide an opportunity for more widespread feedback to be captured from existing communities and the SPD and design response will be updated accordingly. This process will be captured in a Statement of Community Engagement document which will be prepared to accompany the final version of the SPD.
The statutory process following submission of any planning applications or detailed matters will provide further opportunities for the local community to review and comment on proposals as part of Buckinghamshire Council's formal planning application consultation processes. It is also likely that future engagement will continue to take place with any future developer as the development progresses and to help create a sense of community and engagement and ownership within the new development.