Shenley Park SPD

Ended on the 11 October 2023

Part Eight: Delivery and Phasing

8.1 Ensuring Effective Implementation of Policy

Policy WHA001 is a criteria-based policy and the SPD seeks to ensure the effective implementation of the policy and a summary table is provided at Annex 1 to demonstrate how compliance is achieved.

In addition to the design criteria outlined above, there are a number of policy requirements relating to built development and infrastructure delivery which subsequent development proposals, planning applications and legal agreements must reflect.

The ultimate level of development delivered in Shenley Park will be based on the approach set out previously in this SPD taking account of the adjacent settlement character and identity whilst responding positively to the best characteristics of the surrounding area.

8.2 Infrastructure Requirements

The key infrastructure requirements are noted in the table below and have been derived from the Council's Infrastructure Development Plan Document (Draft September 2017) and the Vale of Aylesbury Local Plan. For each of the key requirements, it identifies an anticipated timescale and any trigger points, where they can be identified at this stage. The delivery of infrastructure at Shenley Park generally is to be provided in a timely and viable way to ensure that the impact of the development is reduced / mitigated.



Delivery Timescale


Affordable Housing

Provision of a minimum of 25% affordable housing'

Throughout and by Provider

Section 106

Care Home/Extra Care

Provision of 110 bed care home/extra care

Short/Medium Term

Section 106

Primary School

Provision of land, buildings and car parking for a 2FE primary school (capacity 420) with 52 place nursery

350 units or 4 years (whichever is sooner)

Section 106

Secondary school

Financial contribution towards existing or a new off-site secondary school or other such identified education project to mitigate against increased demand from the development

Medium Term

Section 106 – per pupil cost provided by education authority and paid to Buckinghamshire Council for the use of BC or MKCC as identified by the Council *

Special Education Needs (SEN) School

Financial contribution towards expansion of existing special school and/or such other special educational needs project to mitigate against increased demand from the development

Medium Term

Section 106 – per pupil cost provided by education authority and paid to Buckinghamshire Council for the use of BC or MKCC as identified by the Council *

Local Centre including Community hall

Provision of land, buildings and car parking for a new local centre (including retail)

Short / Medium Term

Section 106


Delivery of an on-site healthcare facility (GP surgery) (including temporary buildings if necessary) or financial contributions towards off site provision of primary care services together with a contribution towards acute and community care to mitigate against increased demand from the development

Short Term

Section 106 – per population cost provided by Council/ICB (primary care)/BHT (acute and community care) and paid to Buckinghamshire Council and directed towards evidenced need in BC or MKCC **

Sport and Leisure

Financial contribution to off-site sports facilities to mitigate against increased demand from the development (Policy I2)

Short Term

Section 106 – per population cost provided by Council

Sports Pitches and Play Space

Provision of LAP/LEAP/NEAP/MUGA and sports pitches as determined against current capacity of provision, quantities and accessibility as set out in VALP Appendix C and D and Fields In Trust guidance

Short / Medium Term

Section 106

ANGst compliant green infrastructure

Provision and management

Link Road

Connection through the site to Grid Road H6 Childs Way or H7 Chaffron Way via a primary street. Safeguarded land required for an 'outer link' if required and subject to transport modelling

Short/ Medium Term (exact timing be informed by transport modelling)

Section 106

Public transport

Provision for priority public transport links and connection to Redway


Section 106

Enhanced Sustainable Travel and Mobility

Promote and encourage sustainable travel choices through the requirement of integrated and accessible transport options including provision of Travel Plans and non-car promotion

Short /Medium Term

Section 106 – per dwelling cost provided by the Council

Indicative Delivery Timescales: Short Term = Year 2024-2027 / Medium Term = Year 2027 – 2029 / Long Term = Year 2029 – 2030

*As the development is on the border with Milton Keynes, requirements for on-site provision or financial contributions need to take into account the capacity of schools within Milton Keynes. A mechanism within the Section 106 Agreement can be included to apportion monies required to the relevant Education Authority to deliver additional provision.

** As the development is on the border with Milton Keynes, there is an acknowledgement from the Integrated Care Board (ICB) (primary care) and Bucks Healthcare Trust (BHT) (acute and community care) that liaison will need to take place with adjacent Trusts and ICB as to who is responsible and % of development to be served by the relevant Trust/ICB and mechanisms can be included within the Section 106 Agreements to apportion monies required to the relevant Trust/ICB.

In compiling a list of infrastructure in relation to this allocation, the Council has had regard to the infrastructure tests set out in Section 122(2) of the Community Infrastructure Levy regulations which state that requests must be:

  • Necessary to make the development acceptable in planning terms;
  • Directly related to the development; and
  • Fair and reasonably related in scale and kind of development

At the time of writing, a Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) charging schedule is not in place or being prepared for the area within which Shenley Park sits (the Aylesbury Vale Area). Accordingly, developers will be required to make Section 106 contributions to fund specific items of infrastructure and services, where required, for the development.

The sequencing of development and provision of supporting infrastructure set out in this Supplementary Planning Document has been structured to provide the appropriate flexibility over where and when development takes place. However, as explained, highways modelling will consider the trip generation, methodology and modelling scenarios in relation to the development and using existing data together with predicted data estimates of future traffic, will calculate the capacity of infrastructure and thus the need for improvements to highway infrastructure and whether there is a need to implement the 'outer link' road on land safeguarded and allowed for in the Development Framework plan. The SPD provides an appropriate design response if an 'outer link' is required but provision of this will need to be known in order to determine the approach to development. The alignment on the western edge will also be dependent on whether any further development comes forward to the west of the site and again clear design approach is provided in this instance.

8.3 Phasing

Development at Shenley Park is expected to take place over at least 8 years, delivering at a maximum of 200 dwellings per year based on the below expected year on year trajectory to deliver the allocated numbers of dwellings.

Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6

Year 7

Year 8











[Source data: VALP]

The phasing of the development is crucial to ensure homes and communities are accompanied by the timely, suitably located and coordinated delivery of infrastructure both on and off-site, and that the overall scheme integrates successfully into the local area. However, it is recognised that flexibility needs to be retained in setting out proposed phasing and sequencing in order that the development can respond to changing circumstances over time, including changes to planning policy and market conditions.

A coherent and coordinated approach to residential and infrastructure delivery, construction management and development phasing will be undertaken to ensure that the overall policy aspirations are met and to avoid the creation of parcels of land or pockets of development that are isolated from each other or inaccessible to necessary services and facilities.

The following phasing principles should be applied and as indicated on the plan below:

  • Early phases of development should be integrated with adjacent parcels of built development (adjacent to Milton Keynes boundary) and connected into the existing Redway and footpath network to ensure sustainable patterns of travel behaviour are embedded from day 1 as residents can easily walk to existing schools and facilities
  • Development parcels around the primary school site should come forward to coincide with the required trigger point for the delivery of the school (350 units or 4 years whichever is the sooner) to ensure the primary school is not isolated
  • Passenger transit and public transport provision should be provided early on
  • Connection into H6 Childs Way should take place in the Short /Medium term and the underpass solution for Boundary Walk to cross this connection means the Boundary Walk can be kept open for the maximum time possible
  • Advanced planting should be provided in areas indicated on figure 68 to secure early landscaped edges either in advance of development or as part of first phases of development

Given the potential for the Shenley Park site to deliver more than 1,150 units, as acknowledged by this SPD, the number of dwellings provided per phasing term, and / or the length of time it will take for the site to be completed may differ from that assumed in the SPD. Nonetheless, it is expected that any planning permission for the site will be accompanied by an approved Phasing Strategy and Plan to ensure that infrastructure and facilities are delivered in line with development, and that existing and new residents can understand what is to be provided and when and to ensure that residents have access to the necessary amenities. This should embed the above principles.

Critically the pace of delivery will not only relate to housebuilder take up and wider market conditions, but also facilitating infrastructure delivery and how quickly demand for new homes is realised as the provision of an attractive, sustainable, and desirable place to live is formed.

Figure 68: Phasing Plan (showing required areas of Advanced Planting, early phase delivery of required walking/cycling/PT connections)

Figure 68: Phasing Plan (showing required areas of Advanced Planting, early phase delivery of required walking/cycling/PT connections)

8.4 Viability and Deliverability

Key to a successful development will be the delivery of a high quality and sustainable place in which to live, including the provision of appropriate infrastructure at the right time. Co-ordination between the Council, landowners / developers and key stakeholders will be key to this.

Given the long timescale for delivery of Shenley Park the continued viability of the site to ensure its continued long-term delivery is of paramount importance. It may therefore be appropriate to reconsider the viability of proposals at later stages. This may mean that the level and / or timing of affordable housing provision required or the timing of provision of elements of infrastructure as set out in this Supplementary Planning Document may need to be revisited.

Where landowners / developers wish to consider scheme viability, which is likely to be when planning applications are submitted, the Council will require an open book approach to be taken so that the outcomes and implications of viability testing at application stage can be carefully evaluated by the Council in light of the aspirations and requirements set out in this Supplementary Planning Document.

8.5 S106 Obligations /Heads of Terms

The community and highways infrastructure necessary to make the development acceptable will need to be secured through appropriate planning conditions and/or captured in a Section 106 agreement.

This will include:

  • Provision of a serviced site for a 2FE primary school;
  • Financial contributions towards provision of education (primary and secondary) places; ;
  • On or off site sport and leisure provision;
  • On-site provision of affordable housing;
  • Provision of a health centre (GP surgery) (and/or financial contributions thereto);
  • SuDS maintenance;
  • Off site farmland bird mitigation (or other mitigation required to offset any assessed losses or impact on ecology);
  • Construction Environmental Management Plan(s) ('CEMPs')
  • The implementation and monitoring of commercial and residential full travel plans;
  • Funding for highway matters including mitigation and bus provision;
  • Long term management and maintenance arrangement for green infrastructure, open space, SUDs and public realm
  • Approval of Phasing Strategy and Phasing Plan.

Where costs need to be tested, they will be evaluated using a viability methodology in accordance with best practice and guidance to secure appropriate contributions from the developers and landowners.

8.6 Management and Maintenance

Developers will need to demonstrate that a long-term strategy is in place for the governance, funding, management and maintenance of infrastructure and assets. The developer will need to demonstrate that the approach is sustainable, that the Councils standards have been applied and it meets recognised quality standards, and it has long term management and maintenance arrangements in place. A strategy is to be agreed with the council with assets managed for at least 30 years after completion and during this time secure a mechanism to manage sites into perpetuity.

At Shenley Park, for parks and green spaces, long term governance arrangements may be secured through transfer arrangements with Whaddon Parish Council or with the Parks Trust which currently maintains Tattenhoe Valley Park and has indicated its willingness in principle to extend this to include the green infrastructure within Shenley Park.

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