Shenley Park SPD
Part Nine: Next Steps
9.1 The Planning Application Process and Expectations
The Council's preference is for a single application for the entire allocation site. This is likely to be at outline stage, and may be followed by a series of reserved matters applications for infrastructure and individual development parcels.
This Supplementary Planning Document, along with the Vale of Aylesbury Local Plan, and other Supplementary Planning Documents adopted by the Council creates a strategic framework against which all future applications on the site will be determined.
It also provides a framework for delivering a high quality and sustainable place, including the provision of appropriate infrastructure at the right time. Co-ordination between the Council, landowners/developers and key stakeholders will be key to this and pre-application engagement in accordance with best practice and NPPF advice is encouraged.,
Future planning applications should demonstrate that a policy compliant development can be achieved against relevant planning policy and reflecting the agreed vision and objectives in this SPD.
Development at Shenley Park will also be guided by the policies contained within the Vale of Aylesbury Local Plan 2013 – 2033 (VALP), and the Aylesbury Vale Area Design Guide Supplementary Planning Document, together with other guidance and policies relevant at the time specific applications for the site are developed and considered.
Applications should provide the appropriate level of supporting information in accordance with national and local policy and relevant Regulations and as a minimum is expected to comprise of:
- A Design and Access Statement setting out the evolution of the design of the proposals and an explanation of the design decisions taken and made;
- An Environmental Statement (subject to any Screening Opinion to the contrary) addressing the issues advised in the EIA Regulations and refined and further articulated in any Scoping Opinion;
- Transport Assessment based on highways modelling using the Buckinghamshire Strategic Model.
Any such information as is agreed to be reasonable and necessary to allow consideration of the proposals as indicated in the following list and effectively building on the baseline information and assessments which have already been carried out:
- Plans and drawings
- Planning Statement
- Transport Assessment and Travel Plans
- Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Statement
- Landscape & Visual Impact Assessment
- Arboricultural Survey & Landscaping
- Biodiversity Report
- Archaeology and Heritage Assessment based on existing desk based assessments
- Air Quality Assessment
- Noise Assessment
- Health Impact Assessment
- S106 Heads of Terms
- Infrastructure Delivery Statement
This list is not a definitive list and should individual applications be submitted not all will need to provide all the information set out; it will depend upon the size and scale of the proposal and any pre-application discussions with the Council. Further information on supporting information is available on the Councils webpages: Additional supporting documents | Buckinghamshire Council
The securing of and timing of delivery of mitigation measures and/or infrastructure which is in compliance with the infrastructure tests set out in Section 122(2) of the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) regulations which state that requests must be: necessary to make development acceptable in planning terms; directly related to the development; and fair and reasonably related in scale and kind of development.
A parallel application will also need to be submitted to Milton Keynes City Council to deliver vehicular access onto the H6 and/or H7 (and may also be needed to facilitate Redway/pedestrian/cycle connectivity to the existing network).
9.2 Subsequent Design Stages and Expectations
An outline planning application will need to be accompanied by a Design and Access Statement that will set out how the application relates to the overall Supplementary Planning Document. In order to provide stakeholders and local communities with clarity around the acceptability of proposals, where proposals differ from the design requirements and guidance in the SPD, a full explanation of the rationale for any changes will be required,
Applications will need to provide parameter plans, proposed character areas, typologies and illustrative layouts which will demonstrate how the Supplementary Planning Document design objectives can be delivered within the scheme.
Preparation of a Design Code will need to be discussed as part of pre-application discussions and if considered to be required, this should be prepared in accordance with the National Design Guidance, the principles of this Supplementary Planning Document, and the AVA Design Supplementary Planning Document.
9.3 Governance and Engagement Expectations
Planning applications for the site should set out how green/blue and grey infrastructure, public realm and community assets will be maintained in the long term, and, where appropriate, how the community can be involved in the governance of these assets. At Shenley Park this is likely to consider the school, playing fields, formal and informal open space and any supporting facilities, local centre and its public realm, Valley Park extension, Boundary Walk margins and structure landscaping areas, infrastructure reserve land and safeguarded P&R connection, and areas of Ancient Woodland/offsets .
Early and ongoing engagement with the local community will provide opportunities for all parties to share ideas and suggestions as to how the community assets can be delivered and secured for future generations to ensure a long-lasting legacy.
9.4 Delivering, Monitoring and Review
This Supplementary Planning Document carries statutory weight in the planning process and is a material consideration for planning applications. It provides an overarching design framework that informs and will guide future planning applications for the site and in particular the delivery of homes and key infrastructure.
Future planning applications will be expected to include information on phasing and delivery and a delivery mechanism to ensure a coordinated approach to infrastructure delivery. In particular, this will need to secure the delivery of the school and key infrastructure elements in accordance with the details set out in Section 8 of this Supplementary Planning Document.
Planning applications will also need to include a means to secure the other infrastructure elements, as required by the Vale of Aylesbury Local Plan and this Supplementary Planning Document.
Policy S8 of the Vale of Aylesbury Local Plan sets out how the Council will monitor policies in the Vale of Aylesbury Local Plan annually through their Monitoring Report. The Council will monitor the content of and implementation of this Supplementary Planning Document in the same fashion to ensure the aims and objectives of this Supplementary Planning Document are being achieved. In the event delivery is not being achieved in accordance with the Supplementary Planning Document then it may be necessary for the Council to review the Supplementary Planning Document and propose remedial steps.
Back Page: Acknowledgements
This SPD has been prepared by David Lock Associates (DLA), a Town Planning and Urban Design Consultancy located in Milton Keynes, appointed by Buckinghamshire Council following a competitive tendering exercise. DLA has worked collaboratively with Council officers and the current site promoters Crest Nicholson to ensure a policy-compliant and deliverable SPD, engaging proactively with key stakeholders including Parish Councils, MKCC and Natural England, Environment Agency and Historic England as part of the SEA process.